Master of Advanced Studies
in Humanitarian Logistics and Management



Humanitarian Supply Chain Management EducationHumanitarian Supply Chain Management EducationHumanitarian Supply Chain Management Education

Combine the academic excellence of the MAS with the flexibility to choose the most relevant courses for your professional development.

Tailored Program in Humanitarian Logistics and Management gives the following option:

Certificate of Advanced Studies

Choose 1 of the 6 blocks corresponding to 1 week of study.


CAS | Lean Six Sigma and Process Management for Humanitarians - online edition 2020

Make an immediate impact in your organization with the globally recognized Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, the performance improving method that systematically removes process defects and waste.

▼ Content

  • Humanitarian Action
  • Process Management
  • Lean Six Sigma

▼ Core Competencies

  • Logistics Procedures and Compliance
  • Logistics Set-up and Design
  • Quality Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Quality Control

▼ Learning Outcomes

  • Apply, define, and describe the concepts, tools, and tech- niques fundamental to Process Management using Lean Six Sigma, including the DMAIC methodology
  • Analyze complex processes using suitable process anal- ysis techniques and make sound recommendations for improving processes
  • Evaluate performance measures in humanitarian logistics processes in terms of cost, quality, speed, service, and flexibility
  • Understand basic concepts of humanitarian action and its relations with international development cooperation, including developments and trends in the world society, and their humanitarian consequences
  • Analyze the international response to humanitarian crises and the architecture of humanitarian action including an overview and typology of actors

Special online price, check our admission page 


CAS | Climate and Disaster Risk Management - ONLINE edition 2020

Explore how innovation can contribute to limiting climate related hazards. Integrate humanitarian action with planning and analysis tools during a simulated emergency to experience the changing nature of humanitarian preparedness and response.

▼ Content

  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Innovation in Climate Risk Management
  • Capstone Simulation in Humanitarian Assistance

▼ Core Competencies

  • Disaster  Risk Management
  • Climate Risk Management
  • Integrated Supply Chain Strategy
  • Development and Humanitarian Nexus
  • Humanitarian Assistance
  • Disaster Preparedness

▼ Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the linkages between development and emergency related concepts of risk, hazards, vulnerability, capacity, assets, governance and discrimination
  • Critically review different approaches and tools used in practice in disaster management
  • Apply planning and analysis tools and approaches to different types of crises and emergencies
  • Understand the basics of how science, technology, and organizational innovations can help the humanitarian sector understand and address climate-related hazards, focusing on the strengths and limitations of forecasts at different time scales
  • Work with experts from other disciplines in order to jointly identify the constellation of means, relationships, and processes that can enable forecast-based decisions to save lives and livelihoods
  • Understand the humanitarian system and the tools and approaches required to deal with the changing nature of humanitarian preparedness and response in the field and at headquarters
  • Discuss the major questions about the future of humani- tarian assistance
  • Appreciate the need for organizations to be accountable to a wide constituency, including beneficiaries, donors, the public, and the press


Special online price, check our admission page 



Organized by PhD students in the Humanitarian Operations Team, two tutorial sessions are scheduled during each block. Tutorials give participants the chance to practice what they learned in class, ask for clarification, and review theory in a lab-style atmosphere.


During each block throughout the year, academics and practitioners from all over the world visit USI to teach intensive courses in the MASHLM program. The Humanitarian Insights seminar series was designed to share the opportunity to interact with our visitors with our colleagues, our friends, and the community.

Seminar topics range from societal impact issues and activities, management and operations, to current events and tools. Each seminar is followed by an informal gathering.


CAS | Certificate of Advanced Studies | 10 ECTS



CAS | Certificate of Advanced Studies | 10 ECTS -  CHF 5'000



USI Università della Svizzera italiana is one of 12 universities under the Swiss university system, coordinated by the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (swissuniversitites). swissuniversities represents all 12 Swiss universities and maintains relationships with other accredited universities outside Switzerland. As a recognized university that is part of the public system, the degree-granting body of the Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management is USI Università della Svizzera italiana.

To ensure international recognition, in 2002 USI became the first Swiss university to adopt the Bologna Reform and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The Bologna Declaration mandates that all taught courses and coursework are to be quantified in ECTS points. The ECTS guarantees that credits are wholly compatible and transferable within and across the broader European university system.


Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Education